We have opened our first three HELSKE PEOPLE CARE nursing services
Our nursing service HELSKE enables people in need of care to live as long as possible in their own home. Due to our comprehensive services, we are able to respond specifically to the individual needs of our customers to provide them with the best possible support in their everyday lives.
Within just four months, we opened our first three nursing services and started officially with an opening ceremony. Below we have listed our locations by opening date and with all contact details. Our care managers are at your disposal at any time for a personal conversation or telephone call:
- 1 July 2019: Nursing service HELSKE Bad Harzburg – Goslarsche Straße 1c – 38667 Bad Harzburg – care manager: Daniela Lange – 053 22 / 90 50 302
- 1 October 2019: Nursing service HELSKE Bad Abbach – Kaiser-Heinrich II.- Str. 15 – 93077 Bad Abbach – care manager: Carola Nitzsche – 09405 / 20 68 482
- 1 November 2019: Nursing service HELSKE Schwabach – Wilhelm Dümmler-Str. 116a – 91126 Schwabach – care manager: Manuela Weiß – 0911 22 / 88 55 181

Our team consists of well-educated and competent nursing professionals who take care of the needs of our customers in a sensitive and reliable manner and provide them with professional care. We are very proud of our employees and only thanks to them can we offer the following services:
- Treatment care
- Basic care
- Domestic intensive care (currently only at the nursing service HELSKE Bad Harzburg)
- Domestic activities
- Palliative care
- Home emergency call
- Consultations according to § 37 Abs.3 SGB XI (only for Germany)
Our extra service for our customers
Regardless of location, we bring fresh bread rolls and your favourite newspaper every day on request during our home visits.