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Helske People Care News

New office in Munich

Helske People Care head office in Germany strategically has moved into a more spacious office so that we, as a team, can grow in the future. After opening our office in Munich in December 2019, we have started with a team of 5 people. Since

Otvorili sme prvé tri Opatrovateľské služby HELSKE PEOPLE CARE

Naša Opatrovateľská služba HELSKE umožňuje ľuďom, ktorí potrebujú starostlivosť, čo najdlhšie žiť vo svojom byte. Vďaka našej komplexnej ponuke služieb môžeme špecificky riešiť individuálne potreby našich zákazníkov, aby sme im poskytli najlepšiu možnú podporu v každodennom živote. V priebehu štyroch mesiacov sme otvorili prvé tri

New nursing service HELSKE in Bad Abbach

Since October, 2019, our nursing service HELSKE in Bad Abbach has been caring for elderly people who wish to continue living in their own home but are dependent on additional help. In this article you will find a nice report about our opening ceremony, our

Big plans for thermal resort

With this title the German newspaper Mittelbayerische reported in detail about our project at the Kaiser-Therme in Bad Abbach. We have in fact presented a concept that involves the construction of e living, a kindergarten, a hotel and even care facilities such as day care