About Helske
Energy Save
HELSKE ENERGY SAVE® is a multi-national company with its production and R&D based in Levoca Slovakia and with general distributor domicilled in Dublin – Ireland. We have focused on developing unique technologies for a new generation of building materials, that save energy and bring a whole new dimension to peoples quality of living. We put emphasis on organic production and products.
We want to produce for next generations and be pioneers in the environment and the quality of community life.
We sell our products in Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, France, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and the Netherlands. We are currently in the process of expanding into other markets.
Our Products
Product range
HELSKE ENERGY SAVE® consists of Nano Coat System® and Helske® Plasterbaords NANO COAT SYSTEM® is a range of unique coating products using Nano technology. This one product can simultaneously solve multiple problems of internal buildings.
We save the environment, but also time, construction, reconstruction and energy costs. The interior wall system helps create a truly healthy microclimate for all types of buildings and is internationally certified.

NANO COAT SYSTEM® is Helske’s flagship product, within NANO COAT SYSTEM®. It is an active patented vapour permeable thermo insulation layer.
Key attributes:
- Patented Product in 38 countries
- Saves Energy (up to 25%)
- Multi Functional Product
- Multi Layered Solution
- Regulates Microclimate of Indoor Spaces
- Reduction of Thermal Bridges
- Thermal Comfort
- Healthy Home
- Ideal for Alergics and Asthmatics
- Manages Overheating and Overcooling
- Maintains the set Temperature Longer
- Contains no Nutrition for Mould and Bacteria
- Water Vapour Permeable
- Inhibits Mould
- Contains 70%+ of Nano Glass Spheres with a part of Vacuum
- Extremely Low of VOC ́s
- Odour Neutral
- White Finish
The Product Conforms to the Following Standards:
DIN ISO 16000-3, DIN EN ISO 16000-9 DIN ISO 16000-6, DIN EN ISO 16000-11

Available soon
Aerogel is the world‘s lightest man made material with the following superlatives:
Sound and vibration barrier, Fire resistant, Super hydrophobic, Thermal insulation (thermal conductivity 17 to 22 mW/mK), Air porosity more than 90%, Suitable for cosmetic, automotive, plastic and building industry
Key attributes:
- Currently in Certification Process
- Contains AEROGEL – the Lightest Material Ever Made
- Anti-vibrating and Sound Damping
- Suitable for Allergy Sufferers
- Energy Save
- Inhibits Mould
- Healthy Home
- Vapour Permeable

HELSKE Plasterboards
Available soon
AIR FORCE BOARD SYSTEM® are plasterboards with unique application of aerogel and NANO technology in production formula, using NANO structure to increase insulation features. Tailored and unique production facility, which allows for change of speed and allow us to add different additives (i.e aerogel) depending on the product requirements. These features make this production facility a first in the world.
Current capacity is 3.200.000 m2 / year. Most plasterboards are sold with only one functionality whereas Helske® provides a combination of multi functions into one board:

Key Attributes:
- Fire Resistant
- Anti Mould
- Anti Humidity
- Lower Product Weight
- Higher Acoustic Insulation
- Higher Thermal Insulation
- Higher Strength of Material
- Interior Space Saving – Thickness of 15 mm
- Lower Logistics Expense due to Light Weight
- Thermal Conductivity under 100 mW.m-1.K-1
- R = 0,152 m2.K/W
HELSKE is Sustainable and Green

For heating of halls and office buildings in winter, we are using heat pumps and recuperative ventilation. For heating we are using the waste heat from the production line. We utilize ceiling cooling to cool the air. We don’t use air conditioning. This ensures the wellbeing of employees is looked after and saves on electricity.
In our buildings are light guides through which we bring natural daylight to our employees even in the darkest corners. In production we save up to 400 hours of ‘artificial’ yearly brightening. Of course, significant energy savings can be accomplished by using our NANO COAT SYSTEM®.
Production Facility and R&D
in Levoča, Slovakia
Our production park in Levoca, Slovakia consists of facilities totalling 8350 sqm, including production and technology lines as well as administrative buildings and our Research & Development centre. We place Helske® products directly to market and also through distributors. We also provide technical support in all markets we sell into.
Support for distributors
Thanks to our own Research & Development team based in Levoca, we can modify our products for different climates and market specifics.
We can research, modify and test our products for various target groups: homeowners / residential (new-build or renovation), non-residential, industrial.
Our Patents
Material for surface treatment, mainly with thermo-reflexive and/or thermoinsulative characteristic, containing the hollow glass bodies and binder, is characterized by the fact that it is composed of mixture.
Designated contracting state
- 38 countries
- 15 patent classes
- 1-12 – Composition of mixture ✓ 13-15 – Usage of the materials – inner surface, industrial object and apparatures
International Publication Number
✓ WO 2014/102753
International Patent Classification
✓ C09D 5/00 – Chemistry and metalurgy ✓ (paint, vanished, coating compositions)