Helske headquarters and production facility in Levoča, Slovakia
Introducing HELSKE® Group
HELSKE® operates internationally in the healthcare, construction, and industrial sectors. We are committed to the economic, environmental and social challenges of the 21st century, at a local and global level
HELSKE® Group was founded by Matej Rusnak, a serial entrepreneur, in 2013. Currently Helske employs over 170 skilled staff across 9 offices across 6 countries, the main production facility for HELSKE ENERGY SAVE® division is in Levoca, on the east side of Slovakia.

HELSKE® Group has two main businesses, HELSKE ENERGY SAVE® and HELSKE PEOPLE CARE®.
We focus on uniting human and nature, preserve the environment and protect our resources. The primary focus is to provide sustainable living solutions for the communities we work in by way of people care resorts and environmentally friendly building products.

The three pillars of value that we focus on are
People, Nature and Innovations
Helske Energy Save
HELSKE ENERGY SAVE® is a multi-national company with its production and R&D based in Levoca Slovakia and with general distributor domicilled in Dublin – Ireland. We have focused on developing unique technologies for a new generation of building materials, that save energy and bring a whole new dimension to peoples quality of living. We put emphasis on organic production and products.
About Helske
People Care
HELSKE PEOPLE CARE®: through dedicated resorts located throughout Germany, we improve the quality of life for people and help them maintain their independence, self- determination and vitality by providing for them as their healthcare requirements change. We create an environment in which comfort and modern architecture are combined with functionality and the correct medical facilities. Through innovation, we meet people’s needs in order to offer the highest quality at every stage of life.
About Ultimuv
Ultimuv® represents a company of motion centers with modern diagnostics, experts in motion, experienced Physiotherapists and Trainers. Our goal is to help you to get rid of a pain, teach you the right body movement pattern, and to identify the problem which holds you back from a proper motion, or limits you in obtaining optimal physical performance. We provide complex services from Physiotherapy, Diagnostic, Group or Individual training, or specifically tailored Training programs and Therapies.
Company locations
Our main locations throughout all the projects:
Dublin, Ireland
The general distributor is domiciled in Dublin – Ireland.
Levoca, Slovakia
Our production park in Levoca, Slovakia consists of facilities totalling 8350 sqm, including production and technology lines as well as administrative buildings.
Bratislava, Slovakia
Our offices in Bratislava focus on Investments and our slovak Helske Energy Save distributors are located here as well.
Munchen, Germany
Headquarters of Helske People Care.
Production facility in Slovakia
Our production park in Levoca, Slovakia consists of facilities totalling 8350 sqm, including production and technology lines as well as administrative buildings and warehouses. We place Helske® products directly to market and also through distributors. We also provide technical support in all markets we sell into.